Dr. Orv Owens
Orv is an author, consultant, seminar, and convention speaker to corporations and associations internationally on the art of developing more productive relationships. Working with hundreds of thousands of individuals and through thousands of organizations, he has helped individuals and companies of all sizes to increase effectiveness. His expertise in determining how best to reach and attract clients, customers or patients, has increased sales and developed greater repeat and referral business.
He has been a consultant to corporations such as General Foods, Xerox, Hughes, DuPont, and Government agencies such as Departments of Agriculture, Labor, Defense, and Education, plus many small businesses and mom and pop shops.
The quote that executives of corporations have most expressed after their management team or sales staff have experienced the teachings of Dr. Owens is: “The thing I like best about your presentation is the staying power it has for my people.”
Every thought is a decision, and every decision becomes a part of who you are and determines your ability to be successful.
Dr. Orv Owens
Dr. Owens has authored three books, including his first book entitled, “Official Know-It-All Guide to RELATIONSHIP SELLING, How to Develop Repeat and Referral Business,” which is in its third printing and is distributed internationally. It is also now being placed on the internet as an E-Book. In addition, he recently completed his second book entitled “Square Pegs for Square Holes, The Art Of Effective Interviewing,” to be published in the Fall.
He was the National Coordinator of one of the 1980 Presidential Inaugural Celebrations for President Ronald Reagan, served on the President’s National Council on Vocational Education, and has been a radio and television personality for many years. The National Register’s “Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals” has listed him in the 2000 Edition, and the American Biographical Institute has named him an “Outstanding Personality of the South.” He has been called “One of the top ten speakers in the nation” by several international associations for which he has spoken.
Providing research-based recommendations and guidance to various organizations and individuals in improving productivity, increasing sales, and achieving outcomes through understanding and relating to people.
I found the value of Doctor Orv Owns training when hiring training sales professionals to help them uncover their fears. Some agents are fearful of the phones, some fearful of knocking on doors some fear of lead follow-up. To use his techniques and training to get those agents and find out where their fear level is and help them overcome that in a positive mindset to help them achieve their goals is the enormous value I found in the program
Patrick Johnson, Relator
It helped me fine-tune my skills in dealing with people….his class really helped me fine-tune the skill of relating to people and understanding where they are coming from.
Ann Neuffer, Univera, Blue Diamond Level

I use Doctor Owen’s teachings both with my staff and patients. Often patients come in fear in pain their life is not good. We’ve got to help them get over that.
Dr. Michael Kaufman
I want to get back to you on my father, our CEO, and my response to the four-day Executive Development course we just completed. We have put all of our managers through your Direction In Management course and our salespeople through the Relationship Selling Course, so it was time for the two of us to attend one of your courses. The value we received from this course on developing our top managers will be of tremendous help in moving our company forward. We need outstanding leadership in each of our properties, and to have new insight in developing our managers to that level of competence is a great step in that direction. Thanks for your efforts on our behalf, and I am sure we will be taking advantage of your follow-up consulting included in the course.
Gary S Williams
Coakley Williams Hotel Management Company
The Executive Development Course I just completed is the best management training I have ever attended in my 35 years in sales and marketing. Developing subordinates is a difficult process and requires tremendous insight into each individual. This course offered a profiling system that gives insight into employee’s strengths and how to maximize them, and their weak areas, or as you said, undeveloped natural abilities. I believe this information will help me build strong leadership throughout our company over the months ahead.
Robert Wayne Willis, Deering Bay Development
It is not often that I am called upon to interview applicants for our management positions. So when this need happened, it was so great having you to lean on in selecting the right person. The new person is working out great. The strengths we saw in the interview are being used most effectively—a great addition to our team. Thanks for your help.
Bob Reignie, Smith & Company
I want to give you some feedback from over 700 managers that attended your Direction in Management seminar here at Dupont:
‘The best leadership course I have ever taken.’
‘A breath of fresh air compared to manipulative technique courses’
‘I really understand what makes the different types of people behave the way they do.’
‘Understanding the 5 AUTHORITIES has given me an understanding of why people follow some leaders while other leaders can not get more than minimum from their people’
‘This material makes leaders at all levels of an organization.’
‘The teaching improves relationships with your boss as well as your peers’
Thank you for the informative presentation.
Roland M Pugh Jr, Manager Customer Service, Dupont Corporation
This is just a note to let you know how much I appreciate your help in selecting the best applicants for the two positions we needed to fill. I always feel that I have difficulty getting past my first impression when interviewing. I have found I have made some poor decisions that were costly in time, productivity, and replacing that person with a whole new interviewing process. However, I have found your system most effective, and we are moving ahead with our new personnel.
D. B., Corning Glass
Thank you for helping me achieve the goal of building a new leadership team for our Treasury Department. It seemed like an impossible mountain to climb to hire the right people for the six top positions in our department, but with your help, we pulled it off. Each new person has picked up their position’s responsibilities and is working together like a well-oiled machine. The unexpected happened just four months into working with this new group; I had open heart surgery and was out for several months. The good news, I have recovered, and the team carried all the responsibilities of our department as if they had been on the job for years. I don’t believe I could have pulled this off without your contribution in both training us to interview and being one of the interviewers throughout the whole project.
D.B. – Senior V.P., Treasurer, New Mexico Gas Company
This workshop on public speaking has changed my life. I know that sounds strange, but it has given me a new confidence that has carried over to all areas of my life. I have just recently taken on a new job that requires me to meet with and speak for both employees and, in some cases, clients of our company. To prepare and present with the knowledge you gave me in this seminar and my new self-image of being a good speaker has changed my life.
M.S. Fluke Corporation
I want to express my appreciation for the seminar you conducted on public speaking. It has had a great deal of impact on my confidence, not only as a speaker but also as a contributor of ideas in our company conferences and business meetings. I have always been the guy at the back of the room with nothing to say. That has changed, and the reinforcement I am getting from peers and management has greatly boosted my confidence and personal development.
John White, Borg Corporation
It is easy to fall into a routine of teaching the same lesson plan year after year and somehow lose focus on each student, their difficulties in learning, and pass out grades. However, this program gave all of us a fresh look at teaching, rather than just lecturing. Assessing each student’s learning, rather than just making sure they are doing their assignments and passing each test, has challenged all of us to be teachers truly.
Mary Yourk, Assistant Principal
Your teaching on inner motivation and recognizing behavior caused by fear motivations has helped me work with some of my more difficult students. If I read actions as they relate to the inner motivation, I am in a far better position to help a student through difficult times. I am experiencing great results. Thanks.
Jim Troxal, 10th Grade Teacher
Any time we have had an increase in sales, it was caused by interest rates dropping or new industry coming into the area. We have enjoyed an increase in the closing ratio for our 96 sales associates over the last six months after taking your Relationship Selling Course. Some have doubled their closing ratio,t and some have tripled. A lot of big smiles and positive attitudes around our office!
C.F., ReMax Realty
The ability to listen to what prospects and clients are saying and hear why they are saying what they are saying has totally changed how I work with prospects and clients. Knowing what they are thinking allows me to stay in control throughout the entire sale transaction. As you teach, I now relate to the clients’ value system rather than trying to sell from my values. This has totally changed my sale approach and has increased my closing ratio, which means your course has paid for itself several times over, and I am not done yet. Thanks so much!
B.Y., Sales Associate, Caldwell Banker Real Estate