
Anywhere Anytime
Slide 1

Build Trust with Anyone

Develop a trust relationship that cultivates
a high level of belief in you



Slide 2

Improve Your Relationship Effectiveness

Be more productive in your
relationships and interactions


Slide 3

Read Anyone’s Value System

Relate to anyone by quickly reading and
understanding their core values without
having to memorize complicated personality tools


Dr. Orv Owens is a relationship expert and trainer. He has educated over 2 Million people and hundreds of businesses on building trust relationships. Fortune 500 companies, businesses of all sizes, and government agencies have hired him for one purpose: to help people improve their relationships and effectiveness with others.

Dr. Orv created The Relationship Academy so he could bring this life-changing training to you.

Everything we do, every action and reaction is based upon our value system. We have high values that we will die for and low values that we are not even aware of in most cases. These values create and control our principles that govern how we live. They, in turn, influence our behavior and decision-making.

Suppose you can read a persons’ values, principles, and behavior and relate to that person based on this frame of reference. In that case, you will develop a trust relationship and a high level of belief in what you offer them.

Dr. Owen’s training will change how you relate to everyone in your world. It will give you insights on how to best relate to people you meet every day. It will increase your effectiveness professionally, in family life, and socially.

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